image Study abroad services in Kerala-Affiniks study abroad
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Affiniks International is an established Overseas nurses recruitment agency, headquartered in Delhi. We have our regional office at Kochi’s commercial center Edappally. Affiniks has a strong legacy of recruiting 6000+ nurses abroad. Affiniks International education is a new venture of Affiniks Groups that focuses on the study abroad needs of the evolving generations. We prove to exhibit the same quality of services when it comes to being a study abroad consultant in Kochi.


Finding your course

The course that matches your profile and career prospect is very crucial for your future . So be wise and be informed about the course syllabus and other benefits offered from the institution like the internship, project work and erasmus programmes, etc


Personalised Mentorship

Mentor, a genuine well wisher. Our experienced counsellor guides you throughout the process from a vague idea of abroad education to a fruitful learning experience that is going to help you not only in professional life but also in personal transformation.


Scholarship help

We would like to shout out that there are plenty of scholarships available to finance your education abroad. This is not just a quirky statement, there are financial aids available from the Indian government , foreign government and universities but students are not aware of this.


Admission & application

We make sure that the students apply to universities at the earliest and secure a seat in their desired institutions. Application department will make sure that all your doubts are cleared and provide you with a proper checklist of docs required.


Visa processing

Document submissions are carefully done,along with the financial and medical requirements being taken care of. Booking of medicals are notified to the students on a scheduled basis so that you never face a rush during the deadline.


Acquiring Travel Card

A traveller card is mandatory if you want to make day-to -day expenses in a foreign country. Affiniks team helps you get a travel card without much hassle.We also assist in currency exchange based on the minimum limit that can be carried in cash during your travel.

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